Sunday, September 21, 2008

Monumental Question - Pc or Mac?

Oh no he didn't just ask that. Ah, the universal question that everybody has an opinion on. Well I'm about to give you mine.

Macs - Great computers overall. Almost impossible to get viruses on unless your a total idiot and try to download them knowingly. Only one big downside. Expensive with a capitol E.

Pc - What i have. Can be great computers overall. People think Macs are better because they can't get viruses. Well I say foohey to that. The only reason they think that, is because 70% of all PC owners don't have the proper security measures. If you want to find out how to get security for your PC, then just go and click on my other posts. It's that easy. Plus, you can buy PC's for sometimes half as less as Mac's. HALF!

I know this won't answer the question at all, and i don't expect it to. I'm just a dude giving my perspective on a question. Peace Out.

Happy Surfing

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